Climate Change​


The difference in attitude and action between the United States and other developed countries makes it difficult to create cohesive, international climate change programs.


Many organizations lack the awareness, money, and/or multi-disciplinary team of experts to conduct comprehensive, regular assessments of climate risks that threaten their business.


Much of the global business community is unaware of the opportunities that come from recognizing climate change, including competitive advantage, technological innovations, and supply chain differentiation.

Creating Solutions to the Challenges of Climate Change

“Delays breed dangers,” said English writer John Lyly in 1579. When it comes to climate change, never has a piece of advice been more relevant. The world has taken action on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the major contributor to climate change. 

But those actions have fallen short. They are often unsystematic and controversial in nature and thus have slowed the creation and implementation of science-based solutions to this urgent problem.

It’s time to take action and change the conversation about climate change. Instead of sensationalized headlines or knee-jerk reactions, we need logical approaches steeped in reliable studies.

We need to focus on the role of businesses in climate change.

Organizations are in a unique position. They typically have more resources and influence than private citizens and have the power to both combat the environmental effects of climate change and benefit financially from it.

In business, there are two significant opportunities. First, institutions must understand their operational risks from climate change.

This means conducting a comprehensive assessment using a multi-disciplinary team of engineers, risk managers, climate and health scientists, and business strategists. These assessments will reveal the company’s projected risks, weather events, infrastructure damage, and supply and business disruptions.

The second opportunity for B2B organizations is the many ways they can capitalize on climate change-related opportunities. Impacted competitors, technology innovations, and supply chain differentiation are all competitive possibilities.

The problem is that while climate change business opportunities are available, many organizations either don’t know that they exist or don’t know how to leverage them. Plus, they lack the processes to develop climate change initiatives and fully take advantage of the resulting business opportunities.

That’s where DDB Technology can help. We provide elite, reputable advisement and develop at-scale environmental risk management programs using proprietary AI technology to well-capitalized B2B organizations to help them accomplish three things: do their part to combat climate change, identify and mitigate risks that threaten their business, and take advantage of climate change-related opportunities to raise their profitability.

Why us: Recognized Pioneer in Climate Change Research

Our Founder, Denise Drace-Brownell, has been instrumental in the discussion of climate change and its impact on business. She started the conversation with her paper “Climate Change and Carbon Dioxide Imperatives” in 1992. This paper is still recognized today and is often cited as a top source. She continues to lead key conversations on climate change.

Denise also helped launch the first world-class program at Columbia University to research new science to identify and mitigate the health effects of climate change. The program has over 240 medical partners, including the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins.

Business centric leaders in the market

Why us: Business-Centric Approach

DDB Technology focuses on the science behind climate change and the ways we support businesses. Denise is lauded widely for her work for Ebasco Environmental, where she implemented an AI-based comprehensive risk management program and turned it into a profit center, expediting a lucrative sale of the company. When businesses engage DDB Technology, they position themselves to make significant gains.

Businesses that are aware and prepared stand to outperform their competitors who fail to acknowledge the threats facing them. They will also see and quickly capitalize on the profitable opportunities that climate change presents.

Why us: Long-Established Roots in the Business Community

Denise has been a well-trusted innovator in the business community for decades. She has a successful track record of creating economic value for diverse organizations. For example, she has led major business turnarounds and multi-million dollar memorandum, advised international business teams, and fielded numerous funding offers for her groundbreaking work in many fields, including the long-overlooked issue of Binocular Vision Disorder.

Her long history of winning market share–even during highly competitive and deteriorating market conditions–make Denise and DDB Technology a perfect strategic partner for organizations looking to get and stay ahead of the imminent threats of climate change.